Graniti Murales

We started our “Art Project Graniti” with Graniti Murales in 2014. We wanted to create an inspiring outdoor exhibition which could attract interested visitors.

Art and freedom have in some ways always been linked. Through art we found a way to circumnavigate political swamp and bureaucratic labyrinths using Murals to set a point for open mindedness, colour, dialogue, culture in its largest sense and cooperation across frontiers. MURALES – mostly large scale paintings on outdoor walls originate from South America, where they were used for political protest.

Now we have murals painted by artists from all over the world which attract and invite people to visit and discover the narrow streets of our village in the hills of Taormina.

Find out more about the mural

Also we intended to offer a neutral platform for a variety of community projects in our village. So apart from the murales project, we planned and built the ARTspace from a derelict house in a narrow street. This space offers room for the village community to bake bread in the wood fired oven, to teach the girls and a few boys crocheting and knitting with the help of the old village ladies, where we paint and sew to embellish the school yard… where creativity has no limits.

Then Covid happened and at the moment working and creating in a group is quite difficult. But we hope for brighter days and keep bundling our crochets and brushes!

Meanwhile we keep on going and don’t give up. We saved an old olive mill from destruction and plan to rebuild it using innovative ecological building materials. The mill will host temporary exhibitions, our collection of Murales-Sketches, conferences and much more. We plan to cover the old building with a glass roof – a bit like the Louvre in Paris and certainly worth visiting! MOGRAMU – MOstra permanente di GRAniti MUrales – that’s the name.

More about our projects on:

facebook: Art Project Graniti

instagram: granitimurales

We always appreciate any contribution – be it personal, artistic or financial. Contact us on: